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Feminist Changemakers’ Summer Camp


Apply now to Feminist Changemakers’ Summer Camp!

Are you passionate about equality, inclusion and feminism and interested in politics or activism? Would you like to meet like-minded young people from other Nordic countries and promote Nordic cooperation?

If the answer is yes, then Feminist Changemakers’ Summer Camp is meant for you!

Feminist Changemakers’ Summer Camp is a Nordic cooperation project aimed at youth interested in equality, sustainability and feminist politics. The project consists of a five-day summer camp in the Åland Islands in August 2022 and short pre-camp meeting online before the summer camp. The programme includes expert speakers, workshops and discussions on changemaking as well as time for informal chats and hanging out with youth from other Nordic countries!

Feminist Changemakers’ Summer Camp Programme:

Pre-camp online meeting,  27th of June at 5 pm (CET) / 6 pm (EET)

  • During the pre-camp meeting, we will get to know each other, go through camp info together and talk about our ideas and expectations for the summer camp.

Summer camp 9th-13th August 2022 in the Åland Islands (+ travel time to and from Mariehamn)

  • Five days of programme include inspirational and high profile speakers, workshops on feminism, equality and activism and spaces for informal conversations and having fun with like-minded youth from other Nordic countries.
  • Participants will deepen their knowledge on current political issues, learn skills and methods needed in changemaking, get to exchange ideas with nordic peers and make lots of new friends!

Who can apply? Anyone who is motivated, aged between 12-28 and lives in Finland, Norway, Sweden or the Åland Islands! Membership of Young Greens or the Green party is not required and we very warmly encourage people from all backgrounds to apply for the summer camp. Motivation is the single most important factor in selecting participants, and commitment to attending both the camp and the pre-camp online meeting is required.

Which language is used at the camp? The language of the summer camp is English, so all participants should have a working knowledge of English. However, this is also an opportunity to learn and practice, and group leaders or other participants will help with translations into Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian when needed.

Where is the summer camp and how do we get there? The camp takes place in the beautiful Åland Islands. Participants from Finland, Sweden and Åland will travel alone to either Stockholm, Turku or Mariehamn, where they will be met by a group leader on the morning of 9th August, and from there the groups will travel together to the summer camp site on the Åland Islands. Participants from Norway will travel alone to Oslo on 8th, where they will meet a group leader and travel together to Åland via Stockholm. After the summer camp, the groups will travel together again to Mariehamn, Stockholm and Turku in the afternoon of 13th August, and from there the participants will travel home by themselves (except norwegians, who will travel together back to Oslo and independently from Oslo to home).

How much does it cost and what is covered? There is a participation fee of 50 euros per participant. However, if you are not able to pay the fee, you can apply for a fee waiver by contacting the organizers if you are selected for the camp. Participants’ travel between the summer camp site in Åland Islands and their hometown in Finland, Sweden or Norway, accommodation at the campsite, and meals during the summer camp are covered.

What about COVID-19? At the moment COVID-19 situation seems to be improving, and we are working based on the expectation that the summer camp will be possible and safe to organize in the Åland Islands. However, we will monitor the situation and inform all selected participants about the possible COVID-19 safety measures and adjustments to the summer camp.

Sounds great! How do I apply? Fill out the application form. The application period ends on 15th of May at midnight EEST. Altogether 50 participants will be selected: 14 each from Finland, Norway and Sweden and 8 from Åland Islands. All applicants will be informed whether their application was successful by 29th of May at the latest. 

Feminist Changemakers’ Summer Camp is organised by the Young Greens in Finland, Norway and Sweden (Vihreät nuoret, Grønn Ungdom, Grön Ungdom) and Hållbart initiativ in the Åland Islands with financial support from the Nordic Culture Point.

Any questions? Please contact Iina Vahteri, International Projects Officer of the Young Greens of Finland (iina.vahteri@vihreatnuoret.fi / +358542113577)

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