Are you interested in activities organized by the Green Youth of Finland? There are many easy ways to get involved with us!
Local associations and groups offer activities on a regional level
There are 15 local associations and four active local groups in the Federation of Green Youth and Students of Finland. You can check whether we organize activities in your area here. If you would like to found a local group yourself, please send us an email at
National events
Taking place once or twice every year, the most legendary event organized by the Green Youth of Finland is the Gathering of Young Greens. The event gathers more than a hundred young green activists to listen to inspiring speakers, learn new things, and hang out in the best possible company. In autumn, it is time for the Annual General Meeting. In addition to all this, the Green Youth of Finland trains new activists, local associations, and candidates in different training events. You are welcome to attend our events whether you are a member or not.
Local activities
The local associations and groups of the Green Youth of Finland organize activities around the country, from Helsinki to Rovaniemi and from Vaasa to Joensuu. If we don’t yet have local activity in your area, but you would be interested in getting something started, please contact our office and we’ll arrange it together!
Working committees
For members and those interested in becoming a member, the Green Youth of Finland offers active working committees that concentrate on a certain topic. Working committees engage in politics, organize campaigns and events, draft policy papers and receive training. Working committees offer an outstanding opportunity to learn more about politics and change the world yourself. The biannual application process is open to everyone.